
MEDITERRANEAN Recipies for Healthy Eating
There are not many people that have not heard of a Mediterranean Diet – Recipies for Healthy Eating of some sort. It could also be true to say that many people are not familiar with the specifics or benefits that a Mediterranean Diet can bring, and people from the region feel that it is their way of eating, preparation, and the very specific types of foods from the region, that give them a health benefit, in addition to the culinary reputation they richly deserve.

Animal red meats are not the biggest product type consumed in these regions when keeping a diet in mind, especially the areas populated around the Mediterranean Sea where Poultry and Fish are the staple, with a bit of goat, lamb, and pork thrown in.
The Main Ingredients
The main ingredients of the Mediterranean diet are essentially fresh vegetables and fruits, mixed with a variety of whole grains, copious amounts of olive oils, fish and delicious wines from everywhere, … in moderation. Their diet’s rely heavily on olive oils, the type responsible for increases in the levels of “good cholesterol”. These combinations are responsible for the Mediterranean Diet to be one of the healthiest to be found in the world.

Prevention of Illness
The belief that any Mediterranean diet is based on fats is true, but it is the type of fat that sets this area apart. The fact is, that the fats consumed are flush with Omega-3 fatty acids, that are low in saturated fat, and are well known in the medical areas for the prevention of heart disease, stroke, and even some cancers. Then with the high consumption of the foods in any Mediterranean diet, the result is a tremendous source of omega-3 fatty acids also including antioxidants and fibre, are also seen as important elements in Mediterranean foods, that are proven to be help full in the fight against these various aforementioned diseases.

The Diet History
The diet of the Mediterranean’s goes way back to the Roman Empire days but really only became of interest towards the end of the Second World War. Those who were involved with the conflicts within the Mediterranean regions discovered a wide variety of foods, and cooking, and the health benefits were soon highly regarded by doctors around the world. A completely different way of preparing the different foods and garnishes available from these countries, were soon ready to impact on the rest of the world.

Consult your Physician
Bearing the aforementioned basic facts about the Mediterranean diet in mind, you will be better positioned to make an informed decision, if this is the appropriate regiment for you and your current lifestyle as it is for the people of the Mediterranean and the rest of the world. Please consult your doctor or dietitians for advise on whether a Mediterranean diet is right for you.
I have prepared for your culinary enjoyment, some thing simple that you can all dish up in a short time, and it is explained and demonstrated by International Chef, Aron Harder.

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