Mediterranean Diet Recipies

Asparagus Omlette
by Chef Aron

How to do it.
Crack 6 eggs into a large bowl, whisk vigorously, so there is no egg spam. You will want to strain the eggs with a fine strainer to remove any clots of egg and possible shell. Then heat the pan on high heat, ready for asparagus.
(Tip 1. Blanch asparagus before adding egg mixture, so it’s half-cooked then cooking process is complete when omelet cooked)
Then measure boiling water into jug, 500mls – 750mls.
When pan is hot enough, add the asparagus so you can hear sizzle noise. Add the boiled water and move around and separate asparagus, then simmer gently for approx 1min 30.
(remove most of the water from the asparagus so it can reduce, and does not over cook)
With the remaining liquid, let it reduce to enhance the flavors, let reduce to nearly no liquid. Now add the extra olive oil (EVO) approx 3 – 3 1/2tbs, stirr around a bit, the popping noise is the EVO and water evaporating, so all is good.
Add the garlic to the egg mixture, and then give it a quick whisk. Add some salt and pepper, and add the egg mixture to the asparagus, then turn pan down to just under the high mark.
You don’t want to color it too much, and do not stir. Put the lid on the pan, and after one minute take the lid off and turn the pan down to low, so then it will cook all the way through,
Once cooked flip onto a cutting board or larger flat plate ready to cut a serve to the whole family.
Asparagus Omlette

About chefaron

A self confessed A.D.D. kid with a Dyslexic disposition that has come home from Europe after a Cancer diagnosis...all's well now after a couple of years of recuperation. Cancer CLEAR.
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